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Consumer Protection:

Consumer protection refers to the laws and other forms of government regulation designed to protect consumers. One form of consumer protection is product liability. This lesson explains consumer protection and product liability.

Indian People are known for its consumerism. Good or bad, many argue that our culture places a high value on material possessions and encourages people to consume more than they need. But, consumerism has more than one definition. In business and economy, it means to promote the rights and safety of consumers.


Our current consumer protection efforts grew out of this business definition of consumerism. Simply put, consumers are people. They are people who buy things. Consumer protection, therefore, refers to laws and other forms of government regulation designed to protect the rights of consumers. The Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) nation's consumer protection agency and administers many different consumer protection laws, like the Telemarketing Sales Rule and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.

Consumer protection is based on consumer rights or the idea that consumers have an inherent right to basic health and safety. 

Consumer Protection Agencies Of Gujarat


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Consumer awareness:

The importance of consumer awareness and the rights of consumers


In this age of capitalism and globalization, the main objective of each producer is to maximize his profit. In each and every possible way the producer is trying to increase the sale of their products. Therefore, in fulfillment of their aim, they forget the interests of consumer s and start exploiting them for example –overcharging, under weighing, selling of adulterated and poor quality goods, misleading the consumers by giving false advertisement etc. Thus in order to save himself from being cheated, it is necessary for a consumer to be aware. In this way, consumer awareness means creating awareness of a consumer towards his rights and duties. 

Need and importance of consumer awareness

It has been observed very often that a consumer doesnotgetright goods and services. He is charged a very high price or adulterated or low quality goods are sold to him. Therefore it is necessary to make him aware. Following facts classify the need of making consumers aware:
1. To
achievemaximumsatisfaction : The income of every individual is limited. He wants to buy maximum goods and services with his income. He gets full satisfaction only by this limited adjustment. Therefore it is necessary that he should get the goods which are measured appropriately and he should not be cheated in any way. For this he should be made aware.
Protectionagainstexploitation : Producers and sellers exploit the consumers in many ways asunderweighting, taking more price than the market price, selling duplicate goods etc. Big companies through their advertisement also mislead the consumers. Consumer awareness shields them from the exploitation by producers and sellers.
Controlover consumption of harmful goods : There are several such goods available in market which cause harm to some consumers. For example we can take goods like cigarette, tobacco, liquor etc. The consumer education and awareness motivate people not to purchase such goods which are very harmful for them.
Motivation for saving : The awareness controls people from wastage of money and extravagancy and inspire them to take right decision. Such consumers are not attracted by sale, concession, free gifts, attractive packing etc due to which people can use their income in a right way and can save money.
5. Knowledgeregardingsolution of
problems : The consumers are cheated due to illiteracy, innocence and lack of information. Therefore it becomes necessary that the information about their rights should be provided to them so that they cannot be cheated by producers and sellers. Through consumer awareness they are also made known to the proceedings of laws so that they can solve their problems.
6. Constructionofhealthy
society : Every member of the society is a consumer. So, if the consumer is aware and rationale, then complete society becomes healthy and alert towards their rights.

Consumer Education Books:

Consumer protection refers to the laws and other forms of government regulation designed to protect consumers. One form of consumer protection is product liability. This lesson explains consumer protection and product liability.

Right from birth each and every one of us becomes a consumer but people hardly know about the rights and responsibilities they have as a consumer. There is a great need for awareness regarding consumer rights, responsibilities and the grievance handling machinery among people of all age groups.

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